Everything You Need to Know About Bearing Clearance

Bearing clearance

We all know bearings are crucial for smooth machine operation, but have we ever considered the importance of bearing clearance? As an engineer, I can tell you that bearing clearance significantly influences mechanical systems’ performance, reliability, and longevity. From ball bearings to roller bearings, the right clearance is essential to ensure optimal function and prevent premature wear or failure.

This article will explore everything you need to know about bearing clearance. We’ll start with the basics, and then dive into how clearance affects performance. We’ll also look at clearance in different bearing types, including C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 clearances. By the end, you’ll have a solid grasp of bearing clearance concepts, from radial clearance to axial play, and understand how to use this knowledge to improve engine performance and reduce the risk of bearing failure.

The Fundamentals of Bearing Clearance

What Is Bearing Clearance?

Bearing clearance refers to the total distance that one bearing ring can move relative to the other. This movement can happen in two directions: radial clearance (vertical movement) and axial clearance (horizontal movement).

To visualize this, imagine holding a deep groove ball bearing. If you try to move the inner ring while keeping the outer ring stationary, you’ll notice a small amount of play. This movement is the bearing clearance.

Table 1 Clearance Class, Clearance Level and Applications & Features

Clearance Class Clearance Level Typical Applications & Characteristics
Less than standard
Ideal for noise-sensitive applications; stable operating conditions
Slightly below standard
Suited for high-speed applications requiring minimal play
Above standard
Best for conditions with temperature fluctuations or faster thermal expansion
More than C3
Used in high-speed scenarios with potential high temperatures; accommodates significant thermal expansion
Highest among primary classes
Perfect for extreme conditions with consistently high temperatures and maximum bearing play

Why Is Bearing Clearance Important?

Bearing clearance is a crucial aspect of bearing design and operation, playing a vital role in ensuring the efficiency, longevity, and reliability of machinery. Here’s why it is important:

Bearing clearance

Internal vs. Operating Clearance

When discussing bearing clearance, it’s essential to differentiate between internal clearance and operating clearance, as these two concepts play distinct roles in the bearing’s performance and overall functionality.

Internal Clearance:

  • Internal clearance refers to the free space within the bearing itself when it is not installed. It is the amount of movement allowed between the bearing’s inner ring and outer ring, which can be measured radially (radial clearance) or axially (axial clearance).
  • This clearance is a critical design parameter that influences how the bearing will behave once it is assembled into a machine. Before installation, this clearance is typically specified by the bearing manufacturer and is necessary for accommodating variations due to manufacturing tolerances, thermal expansion, and load distribution.

Operating Clearance:

  • Operating clearance, on the other hand, is the actual clearance within the bearing once it has been installed and is functioning under load in its operating environment. This clearance accounts for several factors, including the fit between the bearing and the shaft or housing, the effects of thermal expansion, and the application of external loads.
  • As operating conditions like temperature, speed, and applied loads change, the internal clearance can be reduced or altered, resulting in a different operating clearance. This shift can significantly impact the performance, longevity, and reliability of the bearing.

Example of the Transition from Internal to Operating Clearance

Let’s consider a specific example to illustrate how internal clearance transitions to operating clearance under actual working conditions:

Before Assembly:

  • Take a 6008C4 bearing, which has a specified radial internal clearance of 28-46µm. This clearance is measured when the bearing is not installed, ensuring enough space for the components to function effectively once the bearing is in place.

After Mounting:

  • Once the bearing is mounted onto a steel shaft with a k6 tolerance, the clearance typically reduces due to the interference fit between the bearing and the shaft. In this case, the radial internal clearance might decrease to a range of 3-44µm. This reduction occurs because the shaft’s size slightly compresses the bearing, tightening the clearance.

During Operation:

  • As the bearing operates at high speeds, say 8,000 rpm, with the inner ring reaching a temperature of 100°C and the outer ring at 90°C, thermal expansion further alters the clearance. Due to the different expansion rates of the inner and outer rings, the operating clearance may change to a range of -5.0 to +36.5µm. The negative clearance indicates that there might be a slight interference or preload, which could affect the bearing’s performance by increasing friction and wear.
  • This example demonstrates how various factors, such as fit, temperature, and speed, can significantly alter the operating clearance from the original internal clearance. It highlights the importance of understanding both internal and operating clearance when selecting and installing bearings, as these factors are crucial to ensuring the bearing operates effectively within its designed parameters and does not suffer from premature failure.

Measuring Bearing Clearance

Accurate measurement of bearing clearance is critical to ensuring optimal performance and longevity of mechanical systems. Improper clearance can lead to increased friction, excessive wear, and ultimately, premature bearing failure. Here’s a detailed guide on how to measure bearing clearance, including the tools required, the measurement process, and general guidelines.

Tools Required

Precision Micrometer:

A precision micrometer is used to measure the outside diameter of the crankshaft rod and main journals. These measurements are essential for determining the bearing clearance accurately.

Dial Bore Gauge:

A dial bore gauge is utilized to measure the inside diameter of the rod bearings or main bearings. This tool provides precise measurements and is crucial for assessing the bearing clearance.

Measurement Process

Measure the Crankshaft Rod and Main Journal Diameters:

Begin by using the precision micrometer to measure the diameter of the crankshaft rod and main journals. These measurements should be taken carefully, ensuring that the micrometer is properly calibrated and that the readings are accurate.

Measure in Multiple Planes for Accuracy:

To ensure accuracy, it is important to measure the diameters in at least two different planes (e.g., horizontal and vertical) at each journal. This step helps account for any ovality or inconsistencies in the journal’s shape. Recording measurements from different planes ensures a more accurate assessment of the journal’s true diameter.

Use the Dial Bore Gauge to Measure the Inside Diameter of Bearings:

Next, use the dial bore gauge to measure the inside diameter of the rod bearings or main bearings. Insert the gauge into the bearing bore, and gently move it to find the largest reading, which represents the true inside diameter. As with the journal measurements, it’s advisable to measure in multiple planes to detect any irregularities in the bearing bore.

Calculate Bearing Clearance:

Bearing clearance is calculated by subtracting the crankshaft journal diameter from the inside diameter of the bearing bore. For example, if the inside diameter of the bearing is 2.001 inches and the journal diameter is 2.000 inches, the bearing clearance is 0.001 inches.

Guidelines for Bearing Clearance

General Rule for Street and Performance Engines

Importance of Accurate Measurement

Accurate bearing clearance measurement is vital because incorrect clearance can lead to several issues:

  • Too Tight: If the bearing clearance is too tight, it can result in excessive friction, higher operating temperatures, and increased wear, potentially leading to bearing seizure and failure.
  • Too Loose: Conversely, if the clearance is too loose, the bearing may not provide adequate support, leading to excessive vibration, noise, and uneven load distribution, which can also cause premature failure.

Impact of Bearing Clearance on Performance

Bearing clearance is a critical factor that significantly influences both the performance and longevity of an engine or any mechanical system that relies on bearings. The clearance must be carefully balanced to ensure optimal operation, as it affects several key areas:

1. Oil Film Formation

Role of Clearance in Oil Film Maintenance:

  • Bearing clearance is vital for maintaining the thin oil film that separates the bearing surfaces from the rotating components. This oil film acts as a lubricant, reducing friction and preventing direct metal-to-metal contact between the bearing and the shaft or other rotating elements. The presence of this oil film is crucial because it not only minimizes wear but also helps in dissipating heat generated during operation.

Consequences of Improper Clearance:

  • If the clearance is too tight, the oil film may become too thin, leading to increased friction, higher operating temperatures, and a higher risk of metal-to-metal contact. This situation can accelerate wear and potentially lead to catastrophic bearing failure. On the other hand, if the clearance is too large, the oil film might not form properly or might be too thick, reducing the bearing’s ability to support loads effectively and leading to inefficient operation.

2. Load Distribution

Impact on Load Carrying:

  • Bearing clearance directly affects how loads are distributed across the rolling elements within the bearing. Proper clearance ensures that loads are evenly distributed, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the bearing and the overall mechanical system.

Effect of Improper Clearance:

  • If the clearance is too tight, the load may be unevenly distributed, with excessive stress placed on certain rolling elements or bearing surfaces. This uneven load distribution can lead to localized wear, increased vibration, and a higher likelihood of fatigue-related failures. Conversely, if the clearance is too loose, the bearing might not effectively support the load, leading to excessive movement, noise, and potential misalignment, all of which can degrade performance and shorten the bearing’s life.

3. Heat Generation

Clearance and Heat Management:

The clearance within a bearing also influences the amount of heat generated during operation. Tighter clearances can result in reduced oil film thickness, which increases friction between the bearing surfaces and the rotating elements. This friction generates more heat, which can be detrimental to both the bearing and the surrounding components.

Suitability for Different Applications:

Tighter clearances may be desirable in high-performance or precision applications where minimal play is essential, but they require robust cooling and lubrication systems to manage the increased heat. However, for everyday engines or machinery, where reliability and durability are prioritized, slightly looser clearances are often preferable. These allow for a thicker oil film, reducing friction and heat generation, which in turn prolongs the life of the bearing and the engine.

4. Overall Performance and Efficiency

Balancing Clearance for Optimal Performance:

The balance of these factors—oil film formation, load distribution, and heat generation—determines the overall performance and efficiency of the engine or mechanical system. Properly set bearing clearance ensures that the system operates smoothly, with minimal friction, adequate lubrication, and efficient load support. This balance is crucial not only for achieving peak performance but also for maximizing the longevity of the bearings and other associated components.

Impact on Engine Efficiency:

In engines, bearing clearance impacts fuel efficiency, power output, and the overall smoothness of operation. For instance, too tight a clearance can lead to increased mechanical drag, reducing efficiency and potentially causing overheating. Conversely, too loose a clearance can result in power losses due to inefficient load transfer and increased vibration.

Longevity and Reliability:

Maintaining the correct bearing clearance is also essential for ensuring the long-term reliability of the engine or machinery. Incorrect clearance can lead to premature wear, frequent maintenance needs, and unexpected failures, all of which can be costly and time-consuming to address.

Bearing Clearance in Different Bearing Types

Bearing clearance plays a crucial role across various types of bearings, each with its specific requirements and implications for performance. The importance of clearance varies depending on the bearing type and application, impacting factors like load distribution, thermal expansion, and overall bearing longevity.

1. Ball Bearings

Internal Clearance (Radial Play):

In ball bearings, internal clearance, often referred to as radial play, is a key factor in determining performance. Radial play refers to the amount of internal movement between the bearing’s inner and outer rings along the bearing’s radial axis. This clearance is vital because it directly influences how loads are distributed across the bearing’s balls and raceways, which in turn affects friction, heat generation, and wear.

Types of Radial Clearance:

  • Tight Clearance: This is used in high-precision applications where minimal movement is crucial, such as in precision machinery or high-speed applications. Tight clearances reduce vibration and allow for more accurate positioning but require precise control over operating conditions, especially temperature, to prevent binding or excessive heat generation.
  • Medium Clearance: Suitable for general-purpose applications, medium clearance provides a balance between stability and flexibility, accommodating moderate thermal expansion and slight misalignments without sacrificing performance.
  • Loose Clearance: This is used in applications where the bearing must accommodate significant thermal expansion, misalignment, or where the bearing operates under heavy loads. Loose clearances ensure that there is enough space for the components to expand and move without causing excessive friction or wear.

Impact on Performance:

  • The chosen clearance must match the application’s specific needs. For instance, in high-speed applications, tight clearance can prevent excessive movement and vibration, improving efficiency and precision. However, in environments with significant temperature fluctuations or heavy loads, a looser clearance may be necessary to prevent premature bearing failure due to thermal expansion.

2. Roller Bearings

Clearance in Cylindrical and Tapered Roller Bearings:

  • Roller bearings, especially cylindrical and tapered types, rely heavily on proper clearance to accommodate thermal expansion and ensure balanced load distribution. Unlike ball bearings, roller bearings have line contact between the rolling elements and raceways, which means that clearance plays a significant role in how loads are distributed along these lines of contact.

Thermal Expansion Accommodation:

  • In cylindrical roller bearings, clearance is crucial for accommodating the thermal expansion of both the shaft and the bearing itself. As temperatures increase during operation, the bearing components expand. If the clearance is too tight, this expansion can lead to excessive friction, increased heat generation, and potential bearing seizure. Conversely, too much clearance can lead to poor load distribution, resulting in uneven wear and reduced bearing life.

Load Distribution:

  • For tapered roller bearings, clearance also affects the axial load distribution. These bearings are designed to handle combined radial and axial loads, and the correct clearance ensures that these loads are distributed evenly across the bearing. Incorrect clearance can lead to excessive stress on certain rollers, causing premature wear or failure. Additionally, in high-load applications, tapered roller bearings may require a slight preload, which involves setting a negative clearance to enhance load distribution and rigidity.

3. Plain Bearings

Radial Clearance:

  • In plain bearings, also known as bushings, clearance refers to the radial space between the shaft and the bushing. Unlike rolling-element bearings, plain bearings rely on a thin film of lubricant to prevent metal-to-metal contact, and the clearance directly affects the formation and maintenance of this lubricant film.

Thermal Expansion and Interference Fits:

  • The clearance in plain bearings is influenced by thermal expansion and the fit between the shaft and the bushing. As the temperature rises during operation, both the shaft and the bushing expand, potentially reducing the clearance. This reduction can increase friction and wear if the clearance becomes too tight. To accommodate this, plain bearings are often designed with initial clearances that account for expected thermal expansion.

Impact of Interference Fits:

  • Interference fits, where the shaft is slightly larger than the bushing, can also affect clearance. This type of fit reduces the initial clearance when the bearing is installed, which can be beneficial in applications where high rigidity and stability are required. However, it also means that careful consideration must be given to the operating conditions to avoid excessive tightness that could lead to increased friction and wear.

Performance Considerations:

  • For plain bearings, the correct clearance ensures that the lubricant film is maintained, minimizing friction and wear while allowing for smooth operation. In applications where the bearing is subject to heavy loads or high temperatures, it is crucial to select a clearance that can accommodate the resulting thermal expansion and load distribution without compromising performance.


Bearing clearance is a fundamental aspect of mechanical system performance. By understanding and selecting the right clearance, engineers can optimize oil film formation, load distribution, and heat management, leading to improved efficiency and reduced risk of bearing failure. The right balance between tighter and looser clearances ensures that machinery operates reliably and efficiently.


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

1. What’s the general guideline for bearing clearance?

A good starting point is between 0.00075 and 0.0010 inches of clearance per inch of shaft diameter.

2. What’s considered correct bearing clearance?

For engine bearings, 0.001-inch clearance per inch of journal diameter is widely accepted.

3. How do you determine the appropriate bearing clearance?

Consider whether the bearings need specific clearance or preload, with ball bearings typically operating with nearly zero clearance.

4. How is bearing clearance calculated?

The formula is D = D0 – (df + dt), where D0 is the theoretical clearance, df is the reduction due to interference fit, and dt is the reduction from temperature differences.

5. What are C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 clearances?

These designations represent different levels of radial internal clearance in bearings, with C1 being the smallest clearance and C5 being the largest. The choice depends on the application requirements.

6. How do you measure bearing clearance?

Bearing clearance is typically measured using tools like precision micrometers and dial bore gauges. The process involves measuring the internal and external dimensions and calculating the difference.

7. What factors influence the selection of bearing clearance?

Factors include operating temperature, load, speed, shaft and housing fits, and the specific application requirements, such as whether the bearing will experience thermal expansion.

8. Can bearing clearance change during operation?

Yes, bearing clearance can change due to factors like thermal expansion, load variations, and material deformation. Operating clearance is different from initial clearance for this reason.

9. What happens if bearing clearance is too tight?

Tight clearance can lead to insufficient lubrication, increased friction, higher operating temperatures, and premature bearing failure.

10. What is the difference between internal clearance and operating clearance?

Internal clearance is the clearance in the bearing before it is installed, while operating clearance is the effective clearance when the bearing is installed and operating under load.


2 Responses

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    1. Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the post. Your support means a lot to us, and we’re committed to continuing to provide valuable insights and information. Please don’t hesitate to visit us again, and feel free to reach out if there’s anything specific you’d like to see on the blog. Wishing you a great day as well!

      Best regards,
      The FHD Bearings Team

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